Presidents Report
Get out the boots and the hats it’s SHOW TIME!
We are very excited about the 2019 Sunshine Coast Agricultural Show with new events, something for all from the young to the not so young!! We have balanced our core values of promoting and celebrating our Agriculture with entertainment equal to our Royal Shows. This is only possible through our Generous Sponsors, dedicated team of volunteers and of course our patrons.
It is your show, a show for the people of the Sunshine Coast, spread the word, mark the diary and be early to ensure that you enjoy all that is in store for a fun filled three days.
Three ingredients that make for a great show – volunteers/sponsors and community – All on board for 2019 Your next news update will arrive in your box in two weeks.
Jenny McKay
Skies Will Be Filled With Colour And Surprises For The Closing Event Each Evening
Proudly brought to you by:
Peter Boyce of Butler McDermott, a firm that has been in operation on the Sunshine Coast since in 1913 and which is proud to support our local community.”
A spectacular not seen before at the Show. Tickets available now.
Well Done Nambour State College Agricultural College And Ray Pembleton
This year students from New Zealand will work with our college Students to bring the famous “Dairy Milking demonstration” to our show. This is the only show that this feature will present to in Qld for 2019!!
Marty Hunt MP “Creative Produce Awards”
We are honored to be partnering with Marty Hunt MP and his generous sponsorship of this year’s Schools Fruit and Vegetable Display Competition. The theme for this year’s display is “The Periodic Table”.
Marty Hunt will be sponsoring this year’s School entries with $1000 Prize money for the best displays.
Sunshine Coast Agricultural Show Society Benefits From The Queensland Gaming Fund
We have been successful in receiving a $30,000 grant to upgrade our display cupboards. Now it is about filling them.
Have a look at the schedules and prepare your nominations!! Thanks Qld Gaming Fund and our talent team that put that application together.
Thanks also to Allan Mitchell, a genius at this!!
Long Term Show Worker Takes On Show Manager Role
A new face in the Show office this year, Penny Daly a long term worker and supporter of the Nambour Show has taken on the challenging role of Show Office Manager.
Penny has been a key player in overseeing the running of Crusher Gate for the past 9 years and in the last couple years took on the role of Show Parking Steward. Her enthusiasm, dedication and friendly nature gives her the perfect qualities to manage this years upcoming Show. If you see her around the showgrounds, stop and say hi!
Fruit And Vegetables Section:
Thanks for Wayne Neiling Farming – Woombye
Wayne again is a major sponsor of the Fruit and Vege Display and he advised that he has some new display items for the shed this year to enable our patrons to reminisce the past.
Check out the new section then your backyard! I am sure we all have something to display.
Human Cannonball
Get ready to be wowed in the main area this year with Brophy Entertainment’s Human Cannonball.
The performer is shot out from the specially designed cannon at over 75kph flying across the arena before landing safely into a net up to 40 meters away. With the performer experiencing up to 6G’s of force on take off this act is sure to leave everyone on the edge of their seat!
Nambour RSL
We welcome back Nambour RSL in 2019 who are generously sponsoring this year’s Community Stage which will be near the front entrance. The Community Stage will be named the RSL Community Stage. More information on the talented community acts soon!
Craft Beer Alley
Curated by independent beer educator Matt Kirkegaard, a Brisbane-based freelance beer writer who has developed a national reputation as one of the few independent beer educators and advocates in Australia.
This exciting addition to the Show is designed to showcase the talented creations of craft beer, wine, liqueurs and tasty delicacies to match. So come on down and put your taste buds to the test.
Craft Beer Alley trade site applications are still open. If you are interested in coming on board for this years Show, complete the application form below and return it to the Show office or email to
Caravan And Camping Show
A reminder that the Caravan and Camping Show is on over the weekend of the 26th, 27th and 28th of April so the Show Office will be closed.
Members Meeting Reminder
Next Members Meeting is 7pm May 23rd in the Wallace Building (Upstairs) of the Show Grounds.
The Sunshine Coast Show Society wishes you a very Happy Easter. We hope that if you are travelling anywhere that you arrive home safely and if you are staying home, enjoy the time relaxing. Why not get out and enjoy the Sunshine Coast and see the many things it offers. Our office will be closed from the 19th of April and reopening on the 29th of April.
Have a safe and Happy Easter.